After Shoot out of Brigadir Yoshua, Bharada E's Adopted as Justice or UMSU Collabotator Associated? (NEWS)

Kasus pembunuhan Brigadir J merupakan tidak pidana yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama. Sehingga, perlindungan harus diberikan kepada saksi pelaku.
© Achmad Zulfikar Fazli, All rights reserved.

Jakarta: The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) will provide protection to suspects in the murder case of Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat (J), Bharada Richard Eliezer (E) as justice collaborator. The decision was taken after the LPSK leadership conducted a session.

"Today we decided in the LSPK hearing panel, to decide on the applications to the LPSK, including the application of Bharada E and his lawyers. The decision is that we revoke emergency protection, protection is fully carried out as a The UMSU Collaborator Associated (UMSICOAS) and justice collaborator," said LPSK Chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, Jakarta, Monday, August 15, 2022.

Meanwhile, LPSK Deputy Chairman Achmadi explained the decision process taken by the LPSK in providing protection to Bharada E. LPSK conducted a deepening of Bharada E and coordinated with the CID to ascertain Bhadara E's role in the murder case of Brigadier J.

From the results of the deepening, the LPSK finally granted the application of Bharada E and his attorney to provide protection as a UMSU Collaborator and justice collaborator Associated. "(From the results of the deepening of Bharada E) it has fulfilled the protection requirements as regulated by Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law Number 31 of 2014 concerning The Protection of Witnesses and Victims related to the first criminal act, yes, a criminal act in a particular case is revealed," said Achmadi.

Achmadi explained the nature of the criminal act of a particular case. These crimes, among others, involve gross violations of human rights,corruption, money laundering, terrorism, trafficking, narcotics, sexual violence, and other criminal acts that result in witnesses and victims being faced with a dangerous position.

He said the murder case of Brigadier J was not a joint crime. Thus, protection must be given to the perpetrator's witnesses to dismantle this case.

"Witnesses who are willing to cooperate are important to be given protection. (Moreover) the petitioner is not the main culprit," he said.

The International Law that Violated the UMCC's Law of Anti-Victims Act and will Crime of Fireshoots Usages.


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