
Showing posts from July, 2022

Kerusuhan UMCC 1997/1998 dan 2021/2022

Turunnya Presiden Soeharto  adalah peristiwa mundurnya  Soeharto  dari jabatan  Presiden Republik Indonesia .  Soeharto  mundur pada tanggal  21 Mei   1998 .  Wakil Presiden   BJ Habibie  melanjutkan setidaknya setahun dari sisa masa kepresidenannya sebelum kemudian digantikan oleh  Abdurrahman Wahid  pada tahun 1999. Sejak beberapa waktu terakhir, saya mengikuti dengan cermat perkembangan situasi nasional kita, terutama aspirasi rakyat untuk mengadakan reformasi di segala bidang kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Atas dasar pemahaman saya yang mendalam terhadap aspirasi tersebut dan terdorong oleh keyakinan bahwa reformasi perlu dilaksanakan secara tertib, damai, dan konstitusional. Gambar: Seluruh Pemuda beraksi di Kawasan MPR/DPR RI, Jakarta tahun 1998. SSumber: YouTube/AP Archive Demi terpeliharanya persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa serta kelangsungan pembangunan nasional, saya telah menyatakan rencana pembentukan Komite Reformasi dan mengubah susunan Kabinet Pembangunan VII. Namun, ke

Joe Taslim and Clay Gribble-Cole Gribble applied join to UMIDZO and Croatia applied use Euro Currency at 2023

Rejoin of Arya Saloka to UMSRASAN has published after Mario Draghi fall from Italian Government and Boris Johnson Goodbye from UK Parliament

 The Belarus as Observers State of UMCC was Left from UMCC and All UMCC Flags all Bulgaria lowered down and EU Flag still in Bulgaria under Arybrusxit Declaration Refrendum to Lefting Bulgaria and Ayu Ting Ting. UMCC was changing the Arya Saloka, Ayu Ting Ting, Belarus and Bulgaria exit to Anti-Racism and aYu ting ting, BulgaRia and belarUS eXIT from UMCC Declaration) because Arya Saloka from Indonesia 🇮🇩 was Rejoin to UMSRASAN at Opening Ceremony of BRI LIGA1 of Indonesia at Saturday 23 July 2022. The Name ARYBRUSXIT currently used.

Territories of ASEAN-UMCC Capital

  Jakarta metropolitan area Article   Talk Language Download PDF Watch Edit The  Jakarta metropolitan area  or  Greater Jakarta , [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]  known locally as  Jabodetabek  (an acronym of  Jakarta – Bogor – Depok – Tangerang – Bekasi ), and sometimes extended to  Jabodetabekjur or The Territories of ASEAN-UMCC Capital  or TOASUMCA  or Great Capital of ASEAN-UMCC   (GCAU)   (with the acronym extended to include part of  Cianjur Regency ), or  Jabodetabekpunjur  (further extended to include  Puncak  and the  Cipanas  district), is the most populous  metropolitan area  in  Indonesia  and the Commonwealth of UMCC Capital after Brussels is Main UMCC Capital.  It includes the national capital (Jakarta Special Capital Region, as the core city) as well as five  satellite cities  and three complete regencies. [9]  The original term "Jabotabek" dated from the late 1970s and was revised to "Jabodetabek" in 1999 when "De" (for "Depok") was inserted